Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tinnitus Dizziness - Helpful Guidelines

There are more than 50 million Americans who suffer from tinnitus dizziness as a major symptom of tinnitus and around 15 million of these suffer too much to the point that they already need professional help and the worst is 3 million of these find it very difficult to go through their life. This only proves how big nuisance tinnitus dizziness can be. Read on to know more about this condition.

Knowing More about Tinnitus Dizziness

Tinnitus dizziness occurs when the spatial perception and stability of the brain is impaired due to the constant hearing of roaring, hissing, ringing, and other tinnitus-produced sounds. The attack can either be sporadic or regular and the effect can either be mild to shattering.

Tinnitus Dizziness Causes

It is quite hard to determine the main cause of this condition. Nevertheless, there have been studies and researches that show some sources as possible causes or triggers of this condition. These sources include hearing loss due to loud noise, sinus or ear infection, earwax, and tinnitus. This condition is said to be related hearing loss due to prolonged exposure to very loud sounds and noises. Tinnitus dizziness strikes when the noise has already caused the cilia to be damaged. This is the reason why this condition is also often associated with hearing loss.

Another cause of this condition is the accumulation of hardened, impacted earwax. There are some people who naturally produce enough earwax that can actually cause them to lose their sense of hearing and this triggers tinnitus dizziness. This condition may be stopped through earwax removal.

Infections in sinus or ears are also possible sources of this condition. Treatment of the infection may also treat this tinnitus condition. Patients with tinnitus also find hearing aids and maskers useful.

How to Prevent Tinnitus Dizziness Effectively?

One of the best and most effective ways to prevent tinnitus dizziness is to protect your hearing. Always remember that a hearing gone is a hearing gone! It is possible to find help from hearing assistive devices such as hearing aids but these could never be as effective as healthy ears. If exposure to extremely loud noises cannot be avoided, then at least do something to keep your ears protected such as use hearing devices that can protect your ears. Never forget that exposure your loud sounds and noises is one of the main sources of dizziness and tinnitus but aside from that, they can damage the hearing too. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to always keep your protective hearing devices with you whenever you plan to go to places with too loud sounds and noises.

In addition, if you are taking any drugs or medicines as prescribed by your healthcare provider or doctor, you have to make sure that they do not cause adverse effect on your hearing. It is also a must that you make sure they are not associated with tinnitus dizziness. How will you know about this? Well, you can ask your pharmacist or the drugstore representative where you bought your medicine. There are some drugs and medicines that can aggravate tinnitus; thus, it is important that you discuss all these possibilities with your doctor. They sure know what medicines that could not have an adverse effect on your tinnitus condition.

1 comment:

  1. This post can really be helpful. There are only few people that are aware to this kind of problem.
    hearing loss
