Friday, August 27, 2010

Learn More About Tinnitus Remedies

A person must be informed that tinnitus is not an illness but a culprit of an underlying disease in the system. The annoying sounds of tinnitus could always keep a person from having a normal living. The ringing, buzzing, hissing, booming, and humming sound could affect a person from doing his regular work. That is why there are easy to follow Tinnitus remedies to address such annoying sounds from within for a better living.

Tinnitus, as said, is just a symptom. But if it goes on unaddressed, it could create a bigger problem to general health. Because it is both irritating and annoying when tinnitus is not taken cared of, may stop a person from doing regular work and could result in sleeplessness. Treating the symptom could make the ringing tolerable.

One of the easiest Tinnitus remedies would be keeping the immune system healthy. Most patients with tinnitus could not sleep well as during the nights the ringing would be more prominent as external sounds are less. And due to sleeplessness, the immune system, which is essential to general health, could fluctuate; thus making a person prone to other diseases. To address this, food or food supplements with zinc would be recommended for a stronger immune system. A good diet would be advised to those experiencing tinnitus. Foods like: salty, cheese, chocolate, dairy products, saturated fats, and sugar are prohibited as some of them can cause the blood sugar to decrease thus causing tinnitus. It is also advised that even coffee and tea intake must be limited as it can aggravate pain. Fresh and raw foods, green vegetables, protein rich diet and foods rich in vitamins like vitamin A, B, and E, zinc, and choline should be a part of the diet. Dried fruits enhance blood circulation and suggested to be a part of the diet.

Living a healthy lifestyle is an important way of tinnitus remedies. This healthy lifestyle means no drinking and no smoking. These two can elevate blood pressure. Exercise is also one of the good Tinnitus remedies as it helps keeps the mental and physical health of a person to a normal level. Medication must be monitored or prescribed by a doctor as some can cause tinnitus. Yoga is good too! It increases the GABA level in the body and for this reason; the ringing in the ear may be controlled.

Another helpful tinnitus remedies would be sleeping not able to tune the radio at bedside. It will help in neutralizing the internal sound of the ear, promoting a sound sleep for a healthy mind and body.

The Ear Drumming Technique is a new ways of the Tinnitus remedies. It has no side effects and is easy to do. Just close your ears with your palm in such a way that the fingers touch the back of the skull. Let the index finger be on top of the middle finger and presses it hard that the index finger slides though the middle finger. As the index finger reaches the skull, it produces a drumming effect. Done 40-50 times daily, this technique is said to control the ringing of the ears.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Learn More About Pulsatile Tinnitus

Pulsatile tinnitus is a type of tinnitus condition wherein a person keeps hearing a whooshing or pulsating sound that thumps in tune with the heart beat. This condition is also called vascular tinnitus because it is commonly caused by blood flow disruption or poor blood circulation. Pulsatile tinnitus is not very common; however, the struggles an afflicted person has to go through are quite challenging.

There are different types of pulsatile tinnitus and one of the most prevalent is a condition called arterial turbulence. This is caused by restricted flow of blood that causes crimps or plaques in the arteries along the region of head and neck. The condition can worsen when the affected person suffers from high blood pressure. When this occurs, the body experiences an increased blood flow which causes the production of turbulence sound in the ears.

This form of tinnitus is different from the continuous type of tinnitus, though some people can have both types. For those people with both types of tinnitus, the sounds produced by the pulsatile tinnitus are the most irritating. Like other forms of tinnitus, the pulsatile one is not considered a disease. It is rather a symptom caused by other underlying problems. Because this condition is related to blood flow matters, the main reason could be important and must be consulted with a doctor right away. Nevertheless, this form of tinnitus is treatable.

Aside from poor blood flow, pulsatile tinnitus may be caused by other conditions such as:

1. Arteriovenous Malformations – this condition is caused by the unequal number of veins and arteries located near the auditory nerve along the cranial cavity. The pulsation activity in the auditory nerve causes pulsating sound to be heard.

2. Atherosclerosis - the cholesterol buildup on the artery wall causes the arterial constriction. This condition causes the blood flow to be disrupted; thereby producing a pulsating sound a tinnitus sufferer can hear.

3. Benign Intracranial Hypertension - this condition occurs when the fluid that surrounds the brain experiences inflated pressure. This can lead to hearing loss that is mainly characterized by hearing beating or pulsating sound.

4. Carotid Artery-Cavernous Sinus Fistula – this condition results from massive head trauma. It involves the abnormal merging of the large artery and large veins.

5. Middle Ear Inflammation or Infection – the blood flow can elevate as a result of infection in the middle ear. The elevated blood circulation results to a pulsating or turbulent sound comparable to the turbulent sound of water flowing rapidly.

6. Hypertension – pulsatile tinnitus can be caused by taking medicines used to treat hypertension or high blood pressure. To correct this problem, the dosage of the medication may need to be lowered or the medication itself may be changed completely.

7. Glomous Tumor - this condition is also called vascular tumor which can occur at the base of the skull in the middle or inside the ear. This condition can be corrected by surgery.

As discussed in this article, pulsatile tinnitus signals other more severe or serious health conditions. To make sure you don’t experience the symptom anymore, the underlying conditions probably causing it must be addressed and treated.

Learn More About Tinnitus Relief

Hearing ringing sound in the ears is called ear tinnitus and this condition needs to be treated with some tinnitus relief. This condition is characterized by symptoms such as hearing constant roaring sound, chirping, ringing, or buzzing sound in the ears. The sounds produced due to this condition can either be in high or low pitch. The symptoms may also attach intermittently, constantly, or they could be pulsing. The sufferer may also be sensitive to sounds. The symptoms of tinnitus can annoy an individual but there are some methods that provide tinnitus relief. Continue reading this article to know more about what methods you can try to acquire relief from tinnitus.

1. Dietary Changes Offer Tinnitus Relief

Changing your diet habits can help stop the symptoms of tinnitus because good diet habits can improve blood circulation. According to some studies, poor blood circulation causes tinnitus. Some of the best changes in your diet include limiting your daily consumption of fat by 25% of your daily calorie intake. You should also restrict or stop drinking caffeine and alcohol as these are responsible for inflammation and mineral imbalances on the inner part of the ear.

2. Lifestyle Changes Offer Tinnitus Relief

Modifying or changing your lifestyle such as staying away from cigarette and protecting the ears from loud sounds and noises with the use of ear protection devices can alleviate the tinnitus symptoms.

3. Take Supplements to Acquire Tinnitus Relief

Some dietary supplements such as zinc, magnesium, vitamin B, and melatonin have been proven to help provide naturally effective tinnitus relief. According to a certain study conducted on reliefs available for tinnitus, 90 to 150 mg of zinc supplements a day for around 3 to 6 months can greatly improve the symptoms of tinnitus. Another study stated that 3 mg of melatonin taken every night can improve the symptoms of tinnitus particularly those that manifest when a sufferer is sleeping.

4. Acquire Tinnitus Relief through Herbs

Different herbs can help patients alleviate and cope with their tinnitus symptoms. For example, gingko biloba is widely used in Germany and Japan for treating poor blood circulation, which is one of the common causes of tinnitus. 40 to 80 mg of gingko biloba supplements a day for up to a month or two can be taken then have your condition reevaluated. If there is improvement in the symptoms, you can continue taking the same dosage; however, you have to make sure not to take more than 240 mg of gingko biloba a day and you should not take these supplements in conjunction with drugs used to treat blood-thinning conditions. Another common herb used to acquire tinnitus relief is the lesser periwinkle. Though proven effective, it is still best to consult first with your doctor before you decide to take these herbs.

The four options for tinnitus relief discussed in this article have significantly helped some patients of tinnitus to manage their condition. One thing you have to remember though is to talk with your healthcare provider or doctor to avoid any possible side effects.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Treatment for Pulsatile Tinnitus - A Quick Review

It is really annoying and stressful to hear a rhythmic and clicking sound that is why any pulsatile tinnitus patient must receive a really effective treatment for pulsatile tinnitus. Luckily, pulsitile tinnitus is classified as an objective tinnitus and can be easily diagnosed through the use of a stethoscope or other types of high-tech medical audio equipment. Therefore, the options for treatment for pulsatile tinnitus are more precise and can be determined easily. Read on to know more about the effective treatment options for pulsatile tinnitus.

1. Over-the-counter Drugs - these drugs provide useful benefits; however, the nature of the relief these drugs provide is transitory. Most common OTC medications for treatment for pulsatile tinnitus include melatonin, drugs with setraline, Proranolol, Clonazepam, Botulinum, Tricyclic, Acamprostrate, Lignocaine, Etidronate, and Carbazepine. While OTC drugs are really effective in treating pulsatile tinnitus, they are always associated with adverse side effects as intake of these medications can result in different health hazard, including constipation, irregular bowel patterns, and headaches.

2. Masking Tools – masking devices work mainly by making their patients get their minds off their tinnitus condition. The devices used for treatment for pulsatile tinnitus use white noises to improve the symptoms of pulsating tinnitus such as hearing pulsating sounds. White noises or selection of band of sounds are often discs pre-recorded with music that can be played when there are symptoms attacks. The efficacy of this method has been proven; however, the effects are quite slow compared to over-the-counter medicines. What makes them more advantageous is that they don’t pose negative side effects. The downside is that these devices only mask the symptoms so that the sufferer won’t be too much stressed or annoyed by the symptoms of this condition. Thus, the afflicted person still has the disease and to get rid of the nuisance, you may have to be dependent on the device.

3. Herbal Medications – herbal medications are used to treat tinnitus in a more natural way. One of the most commonly used herbs is the Gingko Biloba known for its ability to promote good blood flow in the neck and head region. Some people also use sesame seeds for treatment for pulsatile tinnitus. Because of the efficacy of this herb, even doctors prescribe it to their pulsatile tinnitus patients. The efficacy of herbal medicines cannot be questioned however, they work a bit slower that their masking tools and OTC medicine counterparts mainly because they work from the underlying condition to improve the pulsatile tinnitus symptoms.

4. Homeopathic Treatment - there are different opinions about the efficacy of homeopathic methods as treatment for pulsatile tinnitus. This is because aside from the ringing sounds an affected person can hear, there are also other factors that indicate the disease. The combination of these factors makes determining the correct composition of the medicine almost impossible. In addition, homeopathic treatments also need to be personalized as its efficacy depends mainly on the requirements of the patient’s body.

Pulsatile tinnitus is such a complex disease and this is due to the fact that it has multiple causes and triggers. The good news is the options for treatment for pulsatile tinnitus are also a lot. However, the most effective treatment is still prevention!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tinnitus Treatment - Your Review

Tinnitus affects around 8% of the whole population and mostly suffers from short periods of mild Tinnitus at some point in their lives. Anybody who has ever experienced Tinnitus for a prolonged period of time knows that when you have the problem you will do anything to stop it. You may not think it but the reason for tinnitus is simpler than you have thought of. It is not due to any virus or somewhat relate to that. Tinnitus occurs because of having an unhealthy lifestyle and exposure to deafening music. However, this problem has nothing to worry of because of the many tinnitus treatment discovered and made available to everybody.

Treatment using drugs or medicines will not sufficiently treat you. It can only provide some alleviation of tinnitus symptoms. If you check it with your doctor, usually your physician orders drugs that would reduced the symptoms but not totally remedying your tinnitus completely. Many year ago, natural tinnitus treatment has been used effectively to keep away for the tinnitus. Be conscious of the causes of your tinnitus disease. Sinus, stress or brain problems have been named as factors that result with tinnitus. If the factors mentioned are the source of your tinnitus, it is evident that you will go through a particular type of treatment to eliminate it.

Having the natural tinnitus treatment that is placed in all-in-one package, health and food shops located in your place have started to sell it. Even if countless of packages are available to be purchased, herbalists have currently made lot of kinds of treatments. That is why you should be keen in checking if the product to do have all the elements such as gingko biloba, wild hyssop, rosemary and wild oats.

Gingko biloba has proven immeasurable effects as a tinnitus treatment. For example, the likelihood of nervous system disorder to appear is lessened due to the oxidizing effect of the herbal medicine. It can also defend any vascular efficiency, can activate the restructuring of circulatory processes and excite the neurotransmitters. You must check and evaluate the product well including its contents to be sure that the ingredients that comprise the herbal package you bought are genuine.

Wild hyssop also has an effect of stimulating brain sensitivity and nervous system functioning comparable with gingko biloba. These two natural ingredients can heal your tinnitus without getting any side effects at all, making it a popular and well-liked alternative tinnitus treatment.

Adding vitamins A, B and E as to your diet would also control tinnitus. Insufficient vitamins within the body frequently would lead to interior ear problems along with ringing sensation which is the principal sign for tinnitus. Vitamin B has been recognized to assist in treating the disease. With Vitamin A, the inner ear membranes are in its kept in good form. Zinc can alleviate symptoms specially the ringing, tingling and hissing sound noticed by the patient. Research has concluded that Zinc is very helpful as one of the tinnitus treatment. Zinc is also prescribed to deal with hearing problems for older group.

When treating Tinnitus needs action as the condition can become severe. It won’t disappear significantly by itself. With the aim of curing tinnitus you have to deal with the primary causes of the problem. This is somewhat difficult to do but once you have found it, tinnitus treatment can directly and successfully cure it. However, identifying the root causes of Tinnitus can be done through a through physical and physiological assessment.